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NaCCRA Forum: General

Any place on the website where the number of membe...
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Bill, yes, see it. Thanks.

Linda Kilcrease

Resident of a CCRC


I don't see any Control Panel either.

It's in Membership Directory on the top line and is available to all members. If you do a search and don't specify anything to search for, and scroll down it tells you the number of members and gives the names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers of all 1342 members.

Bill Samuel, Ingleside at King Farm, Rockville, Maryland

Linda, the Control Panel is not available to "any active member", only to those who have administrator rights.

Jim, I do not see any Control Panel with member numbers. How do I get there?

Linda Kilcrease

Resident of a CCRC

Any active member can log in and go to the Control Panel and see the current number of active members. Claudia is correct; the current number is 1,548

Jim Haynes

There are 1548 current members. Nearly half of those members (765) are in Virginia.

A global search of the membership directory, without any filters, results in “Found 1344 member(s)”. That would not include any who opt out of appearing in the directory.


2,111 - 2017 2nd quarter newsletter, p. 10 (total of state totals)

1,206 - 9/24/21 directory

1,001 - 1/4/22 directory

I have been trying to find out how many current members there are and also the yearly historical numbers of members since NaRCCA's inception. Is this info on the website someplace? I assume that if nothing else, the current numbers of members is available and someone could answer. Thanks.

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