I live in a relatively small CCRC that is part of a 5-CCRC (plus other senior IL housing via HUD) non-profit senior living corporation in North Carolina. Of the 5, we're neck-and-neck with one other of the 5 for being the smallest. Our corporation has CCRCs from the center of the state (in/around Greensboro) and then 3 more to the east and southeast. The other "small one" is about 120 miles southeast of us. We're located in a city of a population of 57,000. I provide this info saying that for those desiring a smaller CCRC, we're not close enough geographically to compete with our "sourtheast sibling."
We have about 200 residents in IL cottages and apartments and have 24 AL beds; 24 Memory Services beds; and 48 SNF beds.
Our Marketing Department always had a modest Wait List, and we're at 100% occupancy now, counting the empty units that are spoken for.
Maybe the Babyboomers are starting to shop around (as a leading edge Babyboomer, I came into the CCRC life earlier than my peers, because I anticipated long Wail Lists), because Marketing tells us our Wait List is growing -- average wait is 3.5 years --- but of course it can vary by size of unit and cottage vs apartment living. In order to further "boost" the Wait List number and reach their 2025 goal, Marketing just told us of a new "perq" they conceived to encourage people to go on the Wait List. Since there's currently space available in our SNF, if someone is on our Wait List and needs short-term in-patience rehab, they can be admitted into our SNF.