I have a comment about Holleran. A few years ago Holleran put together a Zoom focus group due to the cancellation of a LeadingAge annual convention during Covid. Had the convention been held, it probably would have been an in-person discussion group. The purpose: Holleran was thinking about rolling out an additional product -- as I recall, for serious prospects "shopping" for their CCRC. But that's not what I'm writing about here.
In that Zoom meeting, I took advantage of asking Holleran about how they handled the written-in comments in a "community's Resident Satisfaction Survey --- did they keep the added comments "together," per each "anonymous responder's survey? Or, did they "batch" under special categories .... in other words, did they give management lists of "Here are all the comments made pertaining to Dining;" "Here are all the comments pertaining to Housekeeping;" etc. Their answer at the time: we keep each survey's comments together -- of course, we don't have the author of the comment's name, so anonymity is maintained.
I beg to differ.
When I heard that answer above, I stated that I was disappointed to hear that ..... that in some cases of more "vocal" residents, their issues and/or choice of words could easily make their comments identifiable to management. Is that the best way to handle written-in comments in an "anonymous" survey, when "batching" might achieve a bit more anonymity?
A couple of weeks ago I tried to contact Holleran via their website to ask for someone to respond by contacting me -- identifying myself as a resident who had been in their Zoom forum during Covid. I explained that I'd like an update of a question I asked in that Zoom gathering. (I thought I'd then post what I learned here in NaCCRA., feeling confident of learning their current practices. No response. I'll try again, and if there's been a change I'll post the update here.
Bottom Line: I think Holleran's way of handling written-in comments (unless it's changed) does NOT optimize anonymity.