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question on NACCRA board and president
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Thanks for the clarification.

Greetings Linda,

I've been reading and enjoying your posts for a while as they always contain interesting observations. I re-read the areas you referenced and can see how that could be a bit confusing. Here is the bottom line.

Our upcoming elections in March will include ballots for the President and President-elect, both of these positions will expire on 04/30/2024. Both of the present officer's names will be on that ballot.

Thank you for reading the LifeLine so carefully, and keep the comments coming. There is great excitement in NaCCRA as we attract new talent and adapt for the 21st Century. We are an adapting organization for a changing world.

Maura Conry

NaCCRA Forum Monitor

OK, under the website's About Tab, Board of Directors Tab - I do see the officers with start / end dates. Part of the problem is that my computer screen was enlarged and the About tab fell under Advocacy. So it appeared that I was drilling down from Advocacy to get to the BoD page.

Consider reducing number of main tabs given that people have different resolutions on their computers. You want something that can handle different screen size and dynamic changes. Club Express should be able to advise.

Linda Kilcrease

Resident of a CCRC

Can someone clarify, please.

I received the new NaCCRA Lifeline newsletter. First, it is extremely well-written and informative as always. It brings a wealth of achievements and ideas to move forward growing the impact and purpose of NaCCRA. THANK you.

I need clarity on the following. There is a section, page 6, saying, "Maura Conry is NaCCRA’s President-Elect".  There is also the front page that has NaCCRA’s New President Luana Pinasco.  And a board election (separate from a President election) is in March.

Linda Kilcrease

Resident of a CCRC

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