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please add me

Add me, Richmond.

Add me.

Glenn O. Thompson

Larksfield Place

Wichita, KS

I am Chair of the Legislative Committee of ORANJ. Please include me.

New Jersey CCRC residents bill of rights at 52:27D-330 and NJAC 5:19


Add me!

-Charlie Nadler

I would like to be a member of the government affairs discussion


I would like to participate in the "Government Affairs Discussion" forum.

I have created a new forum for GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS DISCUSSION. NaCCRA members can opt-in and participate. This forum is not visible to the public, or to members who don't opt-in. Those of you who have asked to be included are already members. You will find it among the "Members-only" class of forums below.

Richmond Shreve

NaCCRA Board Member

Forum Moderator

For a summary of the CT Bill of Rights, go to "New Law Establishes a Bill of Rights for CCRC Residents and Streamlines Several Statutory Requirements for CCRCs" at

is the Connecticut General Statute for CCRC resident bill of rights.

Our community, Stone Ridge in Mystic, CT has a summary of it posted in our mail room and a copy is included in the new resident welcome package.

Frank Taylor

Good evening, Phil.

Do you have a general idea of what the Bill covers? Hopefully it brings more coverage to the independent living part of CCRCs which operates under very sparse governmental regulation.

Delighted to have you on board.

Maura Conry

Board of Directors

Forum Moderator

CT CCRC Resident's Bill of Rights

Hi Frank,

I am told that the state of Conn. has a CCRC bill of rights signed by then Governor Malloy in 2015. I wish my state of New Jersey had one.

Connecticut General statute regarding CCRCs

(sorry for the error in the last post)

Connecticut has several statutes dealing with long term care facilities -- CCRCs - as an example

CT General Statutes re CCRCs

please add me to the thread -- I am a resident of Stone Ridge in Mystic CT - on the Resident's Council and a member of the Finance Committee.

Hi Richmond,

please include me as a member of NaCCRA who cares about government affairs. I live at a CCRC in Bew Jersey plus I am a disabled wheel chair user. Call/text of email me. Also, I a my 74.

Kay Roberts


Yes, I am a resident of the Cardinal at North Hill in Raleigh, NC. Our legislature will be considering a new bill in this

session that governs CCRCs. It is very extensive and gives our Department of Insurance. increased regulatory powers. It has been put together by a committee that included representatives from all interested industry parts. I, and many others, will be following this proposed legislation closely. Be happy to share and to receive information from other states.

Phil Carlton, Esquire (Retired)

No I don't mean tabloid news of sex scandals. Both state and federal government have regulatory and funding authority that affects us as residents of managed care. NaCCRA, for example, has long advocated for a resident bill of rights.

Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Drug Pricing, and many more issues can have profound impacts on our lives.

Most of the legislation that affects residents happens at the state level. If you follow government affairs, or would like to, please identify yourself. NaCCRA would like to include you in a national network of good government supporters focusing on matters that affect residents.

Richmond Shreve

NaCCRA Board Member

Forum Moderator

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