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Emergency Assistance for Los Angeles Senior Commun...
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Bert, thank you for giving us this important information. Please keep us apprised about what you know in this rapidly developing tragedy. Are you aware of any specific CCRC that may have been lost? The disaster is so new, that any information at all would be appreciated.

In the recent past, during the hurricanes, we did outreach to CCRCs, however cell towers were destroyed and people were not able to charge their devices so we had limited success at that time.

Please keep us informed, and thank you again.


Our CEO just put out the following message. Is NACCRA OR CALCRA doing anything about helping Los Angeles CCRCs in this perilous time?

Bert Laurence


To: All Residents, Resident Families, and Staff

From: CEO

Re: Disaster Relief Funds for Southern California Senior Communities

Date: January 8, 2025

I’m sure that many of you have friends or family who are being affected by the wildfire crisis in the Pasadena / LA area.

Several of my colleagues have evacuated or are planning evacuations of their CCRCs, Affordable Housing, and other communities.

The LeadingAge California team is working to help coordinate placements for residents of evacuated senior housing communities. They are seeking donations for food, furniture, and other emergency supplies.

If you are interested in contributing, you can do so at this link: by selecting “Disaster Relief Donation”

Thank you!

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