NaCCRA itself adopted a Model Bill of Rights for CCRC residents in 2015. Some of its provisions, germane to the present discussion, are:
2. ”Establish, organize, fund, develop by-laws for, and operate a resident association whose purposes include, but are not limited to, representing the interests of the residents to the administration and the CCRC’s corporate governing board. “
3. “Freely assemble, with or without the participation of management and staff, as the residents in their judgement deem advisable, to enhance communication and information- sharing among the residents, and to promote active learning and discussion of issues facing the CCRC community."
12. “Raise issues concerning their own well-being, their quality of life, and the sufficiency of their involvement in community life and governance, and to advocate openly for issues of concern to them to be discussed and dealt with by the residents association, the administration, and the governing board, as appropriate.”
The full Bill of Rights can be found in the "Documents" section of the website.