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CARF CCRCs in SW United States
B Henry

I am interested in moving to a CARF accredited community in the southwest US. The only ones I can find are owned by a for-profit company, Senior Resource Group (SRG). Does anyone know of any for-profit or non-profit communities that have the CARF accreditation? Does anyone know anything about the Senior Resource Group? Thank you.

Barry Peters

Unfortunately, because CARF charges for its excellent certification process, many CCRCs that are quite good have not elected to spend the money to obtain such a certification (such as my own excellent Erickson CCRC at Wind Crest).

If you visit the CARF website, you can find their list of 43 CARF certified CCRCs that are among the Newsweek "250 Best" CCRCs in the USA in 2024.

The full list of the Newsweek 250 is here:

But bear in mind that Newsweek limited its "250 Best" solely to contenders that happen to be located in one of the 20 States that have a lot of CCRCs. California is one of the 20 states, but not other states in the Southwest.

Janice Clements

Agree. In particular, single site, non profit CCRCs do not seek CARF accreditation. Cost and value considerations.

B Henry

Thanks for your replies and the information. I was hoping the CARF accreditation would give me an "easy" way to know I was moving into a community that was solid financially. Given the lack of communities with the accreditation, I guess I will have to dig deeper.

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