Channing House, a life Care CCRC in Palo Alto, has never had an administration furnished activities director in our 50+ years. We create, organize and operate all our own activities thru a resident Entertainment Committee with multiple subject oriented subcommittees such as lectures, daily/monthly calendars, musical presentations, our chorus, trips & tours, etc. Because we are adjacent to Stanford University, our resident contacts get many expert lectures and musical events from the university community which we often share with Zoom to other senior communities in the area.
One subcommittee is the resident Audio/Visual team that does lights, audio, visual, recording, Zoom, and staging for all our events in our Auditorium and other venues. The AV team knows more about the technical AV than does our administration.
A different resident service is our Tech Help Team. Sixteen tech-oriented residents are on call to fix all that technology that residents keep misunderstanding or breaking. In the decade the team has existed, we have done 8,000 calls for service.