I have a question about the prevalence of a shop on the CCRC campus. I'm wondering if, in the "new world" of ordering on-line and grocery Instacart for home deliveries as examples, these shops might becoming deemed "old school" and possibly being discontinued. Reasons: space could be used for something else; lack of staff to "run" it, and/or difficulty in finding resident volunteers.
I'm living in my 2nd CCRC in my second state. The shoppe at CCRC #1 was stocked and staffed by an employee. Merchandise included dry goods, some toiletries, candy, some gift items, non-perishable foodd (cereals; can goods; cookies; chips, etc.) At CCRC #2 the shoppe is entirely resident-run --- doing everything from purchasing stock, to pricing, to staffing, to offering occasional promotions. A resident committee mainly provides cashiers. If the committee chair chooses to step down and "pass the baton," it can be really problematic to find a new "chief" because it's a substantial commitment.
I'm wondering how your shoppe works at your communities. So many residents want their retired life to be relaxing and are reluctant to commit for anything long-term or involving significant leadership. That said, maybe these shoppes might NOT be needed anymore?
I'd really appreciate a discussion on this. Thanks.