I can find no way to subscribe to a thread. Perhaps only those who start a thread can do that.
The only forums you can subscribe to are: General, Entrance Fees, NaCCRA Governance, and Resident Engagement.
I looked around in the Pennsylvania Insur. Dept. website. The Disclosure Statements I saw were at least five years old, so probably all are. Pennsylvania is known as a state with very little regulation. And there are a huge number of CCRCs in Pennsylvania compared to other states. Those two facts are related.
To address the worries expressed in your paragraph beginning “I am worried about . . . .”, I think the best strategy would include the following, in addition to going over the contract with a fine tooth comb:
1. Select states with stronger regulation.
2. Select providers with stronge experience, a sense of social mission, and high ethics.
3. Scrutinize the various kinds of reports, if necessary with the help of a professional.
audited financial statements
actuarial studies
resident satisfaction surveys
4. Get involved with the residents of CCRCs in which you are interested, through whatever
opportunities are provided through marketing (or otherwise).
Some examples from my own experience.
1. California - stronger laws, but not strong enforcement.
2. The Kendal Corp., a Quaker-related organization which operates, or provides operating support, to CCRCs in various states.
3. After I got on the waiting list of one CCRC, I was able to attend certain events there, and used those opportunities to read a report on the results of a professionally conducted resident satisfaction survey, which had been placed in the library.
4. After I got on the waiting list of another CCRC, I was able to stay there over 2-3 days and participate in various resident activities. This included a general residents’ meeting with management at which an Assisted Living resident very dramatically complained about how residents with dementia were disrupting meal times in Assisted Living.
The extent to which residents can have a voice in how the CCRC is managed depends not just on the provider and regulator, but on the extent to which the residents are motivated to assert themselves. The populations of different CCRCs differ in this regard, and you can gauge this by getting involved with them.